DON'T settle for a career that doesn't thrill you and pay the bills
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Should You Stick With the Law Or Quit For Something Else? Get that Answer and More in Under 5 Minutes.
If you’re like me you started your legal career with a dollar and a dream. Perhaps you would end discrimination, maybe save the environment, or be the next Notorious RBG (Ruth Bader Ginsburg for those in the know).
So you buckled down and worked, and worked, and worked. Eventually you achieved everything you set out to do (or at least something close to it).
Despite the success, you still feel like you aren’t living the life you were meant to live, like you missed a step in the Girlfriend’s Guide To Being Happy As A Lawyer. You're tired of:
You think you want to get a new job or a new career or a new anything-else-but-this. But you're afraid of ending up with the exact same problems. And the truth is, you aren’t really sure what you want to do next.
But they say you can do anything with a law degree, right?

I’ve been there.
My name is Toya Gavin, attorney and founder of Legally Bold. In my career, I worked at law firm, as a government attorney, and as a prosecutor before starting my own online legal practice. Through those positions, I guided hundreds of people through tough legal situations. But it took a recent health crisis for me to see that the people I really wanted to help were female lawyers like me.
You see . . .When I started my online law practice, I was able to design a legal career on my own terms for the first time. It was exciting and filled with unexpected opportunities. I called the shots, made my own schedule, and worked from home. It was almost unbelievable to me that I could do this and pay the bills. But it happened. I was finally leading a life and career that I loved. Soon, I began to support other lawyers in finding their way to fulfilling careers too.
Most of the attorneys I helped would lie in bed at night dreading the idea of having to go to work the next day. They wondered if a stressful, unfulfilling job was all there was in this career. And they weren't sure how long they could go on like this. Despite their dissatisfaction, they continued on because someone had to pay that light bill every month.
Well, I call BS on that way of thinking. At Legally Bold, I’m challenging the belief that lawyers can only be successful in one way – arguing in a courtroom.
Through my Signature Programs, I help liberate lawyers from unfulfilling work so that they can have the life and 21st century career they deserve. These programs are experiential, actionable, and designed to set you apart from all those other lawyers who hate their jobs but are afraid to really do something about it.
You don't have to settle for a career inherited by societal norms or give up financial stability. You get to choose something better - even if you don't know what you want yet or how to get there.
Because no overachieving professional should ever accept anything less than becoming the person and professional they always wanted to be.
Want to learn more?

Toya Gavin, Esq. is an attorney, legal consultant and founder of Legally Bold, an online coaching and consulting agency where she liberates lawyers from unfulfilling work so that they can claim the lives and careers they really want.
Toya holds a Juris Doctorate from the George Washington University Law School and a bachelor of science in Industrial Engineering from Rutgers University. She is licensed to practice law in New York and New Jersey. After law school, she worked for a number of years as a city government attorney, a prosecutor, and a solo practitioner before becoming a consultant and coach.
When she is not helping attorneys get their lives, she can be found loving up on her family and friends, working out, watching any show created by Shonda Rhimes, learning all about the wonder that is natural hair from YouTube university, or enjoying a good book.
Contact Toya HERE.